Accessory functions

Visolve RT for iPhone

Color transform view, filtering view, hatching view, and simulation view, have the following accessory functions:
The original image view does not have the following functions.
Screenshot of
The view showing arrow icon
  1. Hide navigation bar and tool bar
    The upper navigation bar and the lower tool bar are hidden in 5 seconds (initial setting) after a transformation result is shown. At that time the arrow icon is shown. Tap the arrow icon or anywhere on the view to show the navigation bar and the tool bar again.
  2. Detect motions
    When the navigation bar and the tool bar are being hidden and the arrow icon is being shown, the following motions are detected and the corresponding actions are performed:
    • Shaking vertically
      The navigation bar and the tool bar are shown again.
    • Shaking horizontally
      Back to the original image view.
    Only when the navigation bar and the tool bar are being hidden and the arrow icon is being shown, those motions are detected.
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