Terms of Use
Terms of Use

Before using the website of Ryobi Systems Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “we,” “us," or “our”), please read the following terms of use carefully and use it only if you agree to these terms.
The copyrights related to texts, figures, photographs, and others on our website belong to the relevant parties. Any unauthorized use, duplication, displaying of reproduction, and the like are prohibited.
However, there may be other authors besides us for some of the copyrighted material produced by outsourcing contractors. As a general rule, the copyrights of such works belong to each author.
Use of Cookies
Our website may send cookies to users’ computers.
Cookies are small files containing information, such as usage records, sent to website visitors’ browsers and stored as files on their computers.
Our website collects, records, and analyzes the browsing history of visitors by using cookies to enhance and improve the website performance and services we offer through our website. We use the services of ad distributors to deliver relevant advertisements to customers who have a browsing history of specific pages on our website. In addition,
we use the following tools for the purposes mentioned above and may share with the tool providers the information available to us through cookies.
(1) Google Analytics
- Tool Provider: Google Inc.
- Google Analytics Terms of Service:http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/jp.html
- Google Privacy Policy:http://www.google.com/intl/ja/policies/privacy/partners/
- Information collected through Google Analytics:your web activities (access status, traffic, routing, and others).
- Opting out:If you wish to opt out of having your web activities available to Google Analytics, please download and install Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on and change the settings on your browser. If you disable Google Analytics, it will also disable Google Analytics on other websites you visit. You can change this by re-setting the add-on configuration on your browser.
(2) Pardot
- Tool provider:Salesforce.com, Inc.
- Salesforce Master Subscription Agreement:http://www.salesforce.com/jp/assets/pdf/misc/salesforce_MSA.pdf
- Salesforce Privacy Policy:https://www.salesforce.com/jp/company/personalinfo/
Salesforce Privacy Statement :https://www.salesforce.com/jp/company/privacy/full_privacy.jsp - Information collected through Pardot:information on your web browsing, including the details of your web browser, IP address, displayed web pages, clicked links, whether or not you opened or viewed our email, and so on.
- Oping out:If you wish to opt out of having your web activities available to Pardot, you can do so by setting your web browser to reject cookies from the domain “pardot.com.” However, if you take this action, you may not be able to use all the service features we offer to the full extent.
Use of Cookies by Third-Party Companies
We may use the services of ad distributors such as Google and Yahoo! These distributors may obtain and use the information from cookies and advertising ID on the users’ computers and track their visit to our website and their browsing activities.
The cookie information, advertising ID, and others acquired by such third parties will be handled in accordance with their privacy policy.
You can stop the third parties from using cookie information, advertising ID, and others for ad distribution purposes by accessing the opt-out page here below:
Google opt-out page:https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated
Yahoo! opt-out page:https://btoptout.yahoo.co.jp/optout/index.html
Linking to Our Website
In principle, you are free to link to our website, and you do not need to contact us when linking. However, we will not be held responsible for any damage caused by linking to our website. Please use good judgment when taking the following actions:
- Creating and pasting a direct link in resources such as images and documents.
- Creating a link by frames or other methods that can hide that the linked contents belong to us.
We provide no guarantee for the use of this website. We will not be liable for any errors in the content of this website or problems between the user and third parties arising from using this website. Moreover, we will bear no responsibility for accidents or other damages to software or hardware resulting from using this website.
Please be advised that we may change the terms of use without prior notice. Please review these terms for the latest content before using our website.