
Visolve for iPhone

Screenshot of
Simulation view
After tapping the "Simulate" button in the original image view, the result of simulation is displayed on the simulation view shown in the right screenshot. Among protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia simulations, the simulation applied at this time is the one that was last selected. (Deuteranopia simulation is applied when it's for the first time.)

In addition to the ordinary operations such as zooming and scrolling, the following operations are available in the simulation view:

  • Show the original image
    Tap the leftmost button on the upper navigation bar to go back to the original image view.
  • Re-obtain an image
    When you tap the rightmost button on the upper navigation bar, the camera function is activated if the current image was taken with camera, the image picker is activated if the image was selected from Photo Albums, or the web browser is activated if the image was copied from a snapshot of a web page.
  • Alter simulation to be applied
    Protanopia simulation, deuteranopia simulation, or tritanopia simulation is applied to the image by tapping corresponding button on the segment control in the lower tool bar. The name of simulation that is being applied is shown in the center of the upper navigation bar.
We DO NOT guarantee the accuracy of the simulation image. It should be used only as a guide.
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